Thursday, October 21, 2010

Removing Warts with Banana Peel

Did you know you could utilize banana to help with removing your warts? This is something that is very effective and actually works.

The most common way to use banana peels in order to get rid of your warts is to rub a banana peel on the area on a nightly basis. Typically, it will take about a weekbefore the warts finally dries up and falls off. If you would like to be able to speed along the process to a certain extent, you can cut off a piece of a banana  peel and apply it directly to the area, holding it fast with some medical tape ora band aid. This additional exposure will allow the process to speed up andtypically, you will begin to see a difference in your wart within just a day or two.
Read more on how to Remove warts with Bananas here

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